CS679 Project - Loop Subdivision Surfaces Using Triangle Strips and On the Fly Tessalation

I implemented Loop subdivision surfaces. My implementation uses triangle strips, and has a memory footprint relatively independent of the subdivision depth. Its architecture is designed to be compatible with hardware acceleration.

Triangle Strip

The image shows what the basic triangle strip is like. It consists of a head element containing pointers to the first two vertices and an array of face elements.

In the regular case of a non-boundary vertex of degree 6, each face element has a pointer to the new vertex and a pointer to a neighbour of the new vertex. To avoid complicated code, all the neighbour pointers except the ones belonging to the current face's two other vertices are stored in special cases (<6 vertices, >6 vertices, boundary).

The neighbours of the first and second vertices and the trailing vertices are also stored in the strip.

Assuming that most of the mesh is regular and the strips are long, we end up using about 2 pointers per face.
My implementation uses a greedy algorithm for striping a mesh. It starts with a random face and follows it in a direction determined by the way the order of the face's three vertices until it cannot add any more faces to the strip.


There are two parts to my program; a software subdivider (A), and a software module (B) that takes OpenGL-like commands describing a general triangle strip and tesselates its input to the given subdivision depth. B is hardware compatible.

A reads in an OBJ file and converts the mesh into triangle strips. When told by the GUI to render the mesh, it passes the regular portions of each strip to B. By "regular portion of a strip" we mean that the vertices of the faces have degree 6, and they do not have special tags indicating that non-standard subdivision rules would be required. Non-regular portions of strips are subdivided depth-first in A until the required depth is reached or a regular patch is obtained, whichever is first. If the required depth is reached first, the triangle's vertices are projected onto the limit surface and the projected triangle rendered. Otherwise the regular patch that is obtained is passed to B to be tesselated.

B is a packet rewriting module that takes a general triangle strip and tesselates it to the desired subdivision level. It computes the actual limit surface points of the subdivision surface using forward differences for the tessalation. The forward differences tesselation algorithm is described in Bischoff et. al.

The module has an OpenGL-like API for specifying the triangle strips:
void LoopInit();
void LoopBegin( int m );
void LoopEnd();
void LoopSteer( SurfaceModule::Direction d );
void LoopVertex3fv( point3_t v, int id=0 );
void LoopVertex3f( float x, float y, float z, int id=0 );
void LoopNeighbour3fv( point3_t nb, int id=0 );
void LoopNeighbour3f( float x, float y, float z, int id=0 );
void LoopDepth( uint r );
B uses constant memory; it stores only the last three vertices (and their neighbours) passed in. It is hardware compatible.
A stores the mesh data, a full non-compressed (i.e. pointers to all neighbours of each vertex are stored) representation for the current face being subdivided, and a full patch representation of the current face at each level of subdivision. Since subdivision is done depth-first, extra memory usage varies roughly linearly with subdivision depth. This extra memory is generally small compared to the memory used by other parts of A.

The subdivision surface to be displayed is generated on the fly; no data other than the initial strips is stored. This resulted in a program that was faster at higher subdivision levels than a comparison program that just output triangles from a prebuilt mesh on the machine it was tested on because the high memory usage of the comparison program caused the machine to thrash. At smaller subdivision levels, the extra cpu time required to reconstruct the neighbour data from the triangle strips was not noticeable for small meshes, and noticeable for large ones.

Output for now goes to OpenGL via packet rewriting modules (SMASH in the diagram). The current GUI is not so great for display.
Note that since the output is a chordal triangle mesh (mesh formed when you project the control points to the limit surface), as the number of subdivisions increases the surface may appear to grow instead of shrink.

What I did Not Write

I did not write the GUI or the SMASH backend, though some modifications were made.


Note that the parts subdivided by A and the parts that reached B for subdividing at depth 0 have vertex normals determined by averaging the faces around the vertex, and the parts subdivided more than 0 times by B are flat-shaded.

A general closed mesh with some extraordinary vertices. Note the shrinkage of the patch handled completely by A, as the other parts are passed off to B after subdivision by A.
A plane. Demonstrating boundaries and the case where there are only two neighbours.
A degenerate case. Every vertex has degree 3.
A large mesh.

Future Work

I didn't have time to implement normals.
Really skinny triangles.
Creases and corners. The framework is there, but there wasn't time to finish it.
Optimization. Things could go faster.


Prof. Mann for giving me the extra time. Prof. McCool for paper pointers and discussion. SMASH code (various people). Kevin Moule for the GUI code.


  • K. Muller, S. Havemann. "Subdivision Surface Tesselation on the Fly using a Versatile Mesh Data Structure".
  • Eric Halls' thesis.
  • H. Biermann, A. Levin, D. Zorin. "Piecewise Smooth Subdivision Surfaces with Normal Control".
  • S. Bischoff, L.P. Kobbelt, H. Seidel. "Towards Hardware Implementation of Loop Subdivision".