CS 116: Introduction to Computer Science 2


How to prepare for a CS exam:

  • The best way to prepare for a CS exam is to practice solving problems: try the assignment and tutorial problems again (without looking at the solutions); study the model solutions for assignments and tutorials; look in the textbook for problems; form study groups and write up problem sets for yourselves.
  • Review your notes, and the additional problems solved in class.
  • Try extending previous problems (from Assignments or Tutorials), try solving them different ways (e.g. using abstract list functions, using accumulative recursion, etc.).
  • More questions can be found on the Additional Materials page
  • You should practice writing code WITHOUT the computer.
  • Practice tracing code. This involves simplifying code, as well as drawing memory diagrams.
  • Seek assistance as needed – the course staff will have lots of scheduled office hours.

Seating Information:

  • Check your seating assignment on Odyssey BEFORE you arrive at the exam. You must sit in your assigned seat for this exam.
    • Note: Seating information may not be available yet. Please keep checking back as we get closer to the exam day.
  • Before you sit down at the exam, check the name and ID on the front of the exam - if it is not yours, look up your room and seat again (lists will be posted in the room) or see the proctor.

Additional Material Allowed: None. There will be a Reference sheet with brief descriptions of helpful Python operations and functions.

Midterm Exam

  • Date: March 2nd, 2020
  • Time: 7:00 PM - 8:50 PM (Eastern)
  • Seating: Check Odyssey.
  • Coverage: The midterm will cover material from:
    • Module: 1 - 5
    • Assignments: 1 - 5
    • Tutorials: 0 - 5
  • Reference Sheet
    • The midterm reference sheet (updated to fix a minor typo, and to clarify a few methods).
  • Front Page
  • Sample Midterm: Available on Assignment Solutions page
    • This is a sample midterm exam from a previous offering of the course. Our exam might be completely different from this exam.
  • Midterm Solutions: Available on Assignment Solutions page


Remarking request

If you have problems with the marking of a midterm exam, please fill out a re-mark request form and return it to a CS116 ISA by email or in person within two weeks of the day from when your marked exam became available.

Missed Exams Due to Illness

With appropriate and authorized documentation, term work may be excused or, for the final exam, an INC (incomplete) grade may be granted with the requirement that the student write the final exam with the class in the next term the course is offered. When a student misses a midterm or final exam due to illness, they must bring a valid doctor's note to the course ISG Coordinator as soon as possible, contact information can be found here.

Note that the doctor's note should describe the nature of the illness, the degree of incapacity, and the precise period of absence or incapacitation.

If a midterm is excused, its weight is transferred to the final exam.

For a missed final exam, upon the receipt of a valid doctor's note, the student's term work is evaluated and we will determine if a grade of INC (incomplete) is suitable in your case. If an INC is granted, the student's grade will be calculated using the weightings of the course components from the term the student was registered, the student's term marks from the registered term and the mark from the final exam when it is written. The final exam should be written with the scheduled exam next term. In the case of granting an INC for a missed final exam, any course for which CS 116 is a prerequisite may not be taken until CS 116 is completed.

Other Exam Conflicts

All conflicts with course exams must be reported to the course ISG coordinator (see the personnel page for contact information) in a timely fashion. In particular,

  • For the final exam the deadline for reporting any conflicts will be one week from the day that the final exam dates are announced.
  • You wil need to submit a conflict form for accomodations.
  • If you are taking 3 exams in one day, you can apply apply for examination relief following instructions here.

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Last modified on Friday, 06 March 2020, at 15:51.