
CS 241E - Foundations of Sequential Programs (Enriched)


Office Hours

Tutorial Code
Additional Reading

Assignment Setup
IntelliJ IDEA Setup
Assignment Policies


Marmoset FAQs

In CS 241E, you will submit all your assignments on Marmoset.

What is Marmoset?

Marmoset is an automatic testing server. When you submit an assignment, it will judge your solution and automatically assign a grade. You'll be able to see the grade almost immediately.

How does Marmoset judge my program?

Marmoset will run you program against a few test cases. For each test case, it will compare your program output with the expected output. If the two outputs match EXACTLY, then you pass the test case. Your mark on the assignment problem will be the number of test cases you passed, out of the total number of test cases.

How many times can I submit a solution?

You can submit as many times as you like before the due date. However...

What are public tests and private tests?

There are two types of test cases on Marmoset. Public and private tests. They both count towards your assignment grade.

Public tests are the ones you see when you've just submitted your program. If you fail a public test, we usually tell you what the test case is. The test cases are usually straight foward. We want to make sure that your program compiles and is basically working.

After due day, we will reveal the result of private tests on your programs. Private tests are more complicated and sophisticated than public tests. Since you will not see the result of private tests until due day, you should test your code thoroughly before you submit it.

Am I penalized for incorrect submissions?

At CS 241E, we take your best submission for each assignment problem. It doesn't matter if you submitted once, 3 times, or 30 times. As long as you have one perfect submission, you will get perfect on that problem.

Help! Marmoset cannot compile my program!

You can view your submission to see the compilation error.

So far, the most common cause of compile error is incorrect filenames. Marmoset is very picky about the filenames of your submissions, so please read the assignments carefully and make sure that your file has the right name.

Also, the file system on Marmoset is case-sensitive. If we ask you to submit 'hello.c', please ensure that your file name is not 'Hello.c' instead.

Help! I got a 0 on my submission!

The most common cause for a mark of 0 is output formatting.

Some students like to prompt the user when they write a C program. So, instead of

 scanf ("%d", &number); 

They say

 printf ("Please enter a number!\n");
 scanf ("%d", &number); 

Absolutely do not output extra text! If an assignment problem has sample inputs and outputs, then your program output must match those, down to the last character!