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Marmoset Submit Command

General Information

Those of you working from home may find that running a graphical web browser such as Firefox remotely is slow. As an alternative, you may use the marmoset_submit shell command to submit to Marmoset. The command is available on the linux.student.cs servers. If you are working at school and you open a terminal after logging into Linux in one of the MC computer labs you should see that ubuntu2204-0xx or mef-linux0xx where xx is some number for the server (ie. mef-linux004) is already the server that you are logged into.

Assignment Submission Tutorial

Open a shell (typically use Putty or Cygwin in Windows, or XQuartz/Terminal in Mac OS X) and type "ssh questid@linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca" (where questid is replaced with your Quest/WatIAm ID) to login to the linux servers from outside of the campus network as seen below. In putty you can enter "questid@linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca" as the Host.

Open a terminal and login to one of the linux.student.cs computer servers (i.e. logging into linux.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca will route you to one of the less-loaded servers). Note that you may already be logged into a Linux server. Type source /u/cs246/setup as seen below (or add this command to your ~/.bash_profile as explained in A0) to gain access to the CS 246 tools.

Type marmoset_submit [course] [assignment] [solution file]

For example, marmoset_submit cs246 a0 a0.zip, as seen above.

Afterwards you should see a message similar to the one above.

You will still need to use a web browser to see the results and to release test (if applicable).