The connection to the train should be set to 2400 baud with 1 start bit, 2 stop bits, 8 data bits and no parity check. The code fragement below will help you enable these settings.
 *      XON8250_PORT_INIT (Cmd) configures the 8250
 *        cmd is a string of the form baud parity stop data ... i.e.
 *        300 n 1 8
 *        baud - 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
 *        parity - n -> no parity check   0
 *                 o -> odd parity        1
 *                 e -> even parity       2
 *        stop   - 1 -> 1 stop bit
 *                 2 -> 2 stop bits
 *        data   - 5, 6, 7, 8 data bits
 * Note: This assumes polled IO, not interrupt driven.

void nsc8250_port_init(
                u_short port, /* base address in IO space for serial port */
                unsigned int baud,
                unsigned int data,
                unsigned int parity,
                unsigned int stop)
        unsigned mode_word;

        stop = ((stop-1) & 1);
        stop <<= 2;

        baud /= 10;
        baud = 11520 / baud;

        parity <<= 3;
        parity &= 0x018;

        data -= 5;
        data &= 3;

        mode_word = data | stop | parity;

        outb(port + LCR, inb(port + LCR) | LCR_DLAB);
        outb(port, baud % 256);
        outb(port + 1, baud / 256);
        outb(port + LCR, mode_word & 0x7F);
        /* turn on DTR and all other outputs (harmless) */
        outb(port + MCR, 0x0F);

        /* turn off all interrupt sources */
        outb(port + IER, 0);

        /* turn on FIFO, but tell it to make interrupts (if they
         * were enabled when the FIFO has one item.
        outb(port + FCR, 0x0f);

        /* Read pending input and status bits (ignore them)... */
        inb(port + LSR);
        inb(port + MSR);