Xinling's Ray Tracer

Cylinder and Cone


This sphere has an index of refraction of 1.7, which is that of a gem.

This sphere has an index of refraction of 1.33, which is that of water.

Texture Mapping and Bump Mapping

This image shows sphere and plane rendered using texture mapping.

This image shows sphere and plane rendered using bump mapping

This image shows cube rendered using texture mapping

This image shows cube rendered using bump mapping

This image shows cube rendered using both texture mapping and bump mapping

Anti-aliasing: Stochastic Sampling

This image is rendered without Anti-Aliasing.

The image below is rendered using stochastic sampling.

Constructive Solid Geometry

The object one the right shows the union of a sphere with a box. The one in the middle shows the difference of the box and the sphere. The one on the left shows the intersection of the sphere and the box

The object on the right shows the union of a cylinder with a cone. The one in the middle shows the difference of the cylinder and the cone. The one on the left shows the intersection of the cylinder and the cone

Soft shadow

This image is rendered with soft shadow by using distributed raytracing to simulate an area light.

Glossy Reflections

The sphere on the right is perfect reflection,the other two spheres are rendered using blurry reflection.

Depth of Field

The closest sphere is in focus.

The second sphere is in focus


Motion Blur

The organge sphere is moving in the direction of (1,1,1), the green one is moving in the y direction, the purple one is static

Final Scene

Final Scene: rendered using anti-aliasing, soft shadow, glossy reflection