Just kidding...here's the real final scene:

I didn't implement radiosity...I haven't gone totally nuts yet.

Total coding time for A4: about 120 hours (somewhere around 4 weeks...don't trust anything on the front page)
Total modelling time for final scene: about 10-15 hours.
Rendering time: 18 minutes on a 1.4 AMD T-Bird with bounding boxes on.

[Note from cs488 course personnel: Most students don't spent 120 hours on A4, in fact, the average student probably spent less than half that time on A4. Of course, the average student doesn't do quite as many extra features or make such a complex scene.]

The scene has jittered anti-aliasing, area lighting, and a number of objects with texture mapped reflection/transparency values. A few CSG objects also made it into the scene.

To pose the puppets, I wrote some tcl script to read/write joint rotation from A3.
I spent a long time trying to get the random alphabet blocks to look just right, but there are still some collision problems. Can't trust the damned random numbers.

I made the message with alphabet blocks at 5AM, right before the deadline. I was going to hide something more obscene in the text, but my brain was on sick leave already. So if you can decipher it, please excuse the uncreativity.