CS 488/688: Introduction to Computer Graphics

Fall 2015

Welcome to the home page for CS488/688, the introductory computer graphics course in the School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. This course focuses on 3D graphics, although it does discuss some aspects of user interface design. CS488/688 has a fairly heavy project component and should not be taken in conjunction with other heavy project courses.

Course logistics for Fall 2015

Craig S. Kaplan (see also)
DC 2110
Office hours: Thursdays, 2:00–3:00 (or by appointment)
Teaching Assistant
Dustin Biser
Office hours: Mondays, 11:00–12:00 in MC 3007; Fridays, 11:00–12:00 in DC 3594 (Sci-Com Lab)
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00–11:20, PAS 1229
MC 3007 (There are no scheduled lab times. The lab is available 24 hours a day for students enrolled in CS 488/688.)
Midterm: Thursday, October 29th, 10:00–11:00 in PAS 1229 (in class). The midterm covers everything up to the end of Hidden Surface Removal, and is worth 10% of your final grade..
Final: Tuesday, December 8th, 4:00–6:30 in RCH 103.
Course Outline
The course outline contains general information about the course in a format mandated by the Registrar's Office.
These books are recommended but not required. The Davis Centre library has these and other useful books for loan at the reserve desk.
Getting help
We're using Piazza for questions and discussions of class-related material. Please sign up in order to participate.

Fall 2015 Readings

The readings in the official course notes are out of date, as we change textbooks and new editions come out. Here is a selection of readings for this term's offering, mostly taken from the recommended text (Principles and Practice, third edition, herafter referred to as CGPP).

  • Module 2: Introduction
    • CGPP: Chapter 1, Section 3.1, Section 15.1, Section 15.2, Section 16.3
  • Module 5: Geometries
    Module 6: Affine Geometry and Transformations
    Module 7: Windows, Viewports, NDC
    • CGPP: Sections 7.1–7.7, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
  • Module 9: Projections and Projective Transformations
    • CGPP: Sections 10.13, Chapter 13, Section 36.5
  • Module 11: Polygons
    • CGPP: Sections 7.10
  • Module 12: Hidden Surface Removal
    • CGPP: Chapter 36
  • Module 13: Hierarchical Models and Transformations
    • CGPP: Section 6.6
  • Module 15: Colour and the Human Visual System
    • CGPP: Chapter 28
  • Module 16: Reflection and Light Source Models
    • CGPP: Sections 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.5, Chapter 27 (advanced)

Fall 2015 Assignments

General information about CS 488/688

Start by visiting the old home page for the course, where you'll find lots of other useful information and links. More information will be available here shortly.

  • The website open.gl is a great starting point for programming in modern OpenGL, featuring a sequence of well written tutorials.
  • Song Ho Ahn also has a number of useful tutorials that explain concepts in 3D computer graphics, especially as related to the OpenGL graphics pipeline.
  • Visit docs.gl for the best OpenGL API reference.