CS 492/CS 692 W06 Role-Playing Exercise 4

Controlling SPAM

Team A

A group of Industry Canada representatives who feel that SPAM is disrupting the workplaces of the country, affecting the productivity of our workers by requiring them to spend time each day filtering unwanted messages. They propose legislation that will impose strict penalties on any organization that sends unwanted e-mail to addressees who have placed themselves on a federal opt-out list.

Team B

A group of small businessmen who feel that it is vital for them to be able to advertise their company to the public and who also feel that nowadays electronic messages are preferable. They point out that there is currently no legislation preventing companies from sending flyers to potential customers through the regular mail service and that, moreover, there are no international laws preventing SPAM, so that Canadian government laws would only end up disadvantaging Canadian businessmen. They oppose any efforts to penalize them for trying to advertise electronically.

Last updated Dec 28, 2005.