CS 492/692 - Spring 2020 - Message 8

At this point I am just going to urge all students to carefully read the messages posted on our website about Online Delivery. The first message appears as part of our Structure webpage, towards the end. It highlights the fact that you need to participate in the Piazza newsgroup of your section only and that the newsgroups are being used for the Online Delivery. The second message appears on a webpage pointed to on the main page of our site, towards the bottom, at the spot where you are invited to join your Piazza newsgroup. It is a page of important notes, making clear that you do not discuss assignments on Piazza. Piazza is used for specific purposes only. There is also a Class Tech for Online page, with a few links. One page clearly explains our use of website, Piazza, email and LEARN. LEARN has ONE use only: to submit your assignments (and for us to provide feedback and eventually grades, for assignments). The other pages go into more detail on use of Piazza for Discussion. The primary messages are: do not post during class time unless invited to do so; respond quickly to polls that tell us whether you are there and whether you have a comment to make; keep all posts brief; use the Folder for the class in question; put First Name, Last Initial into Summary field when posting; refresh often.

You are all registered in either Section1 or Section2 of the course. The timeslot used for synchronous discussion in Section1 is 830am MWF; the timeslot for Section2 is 930am. For RPE classes, TAs are online during these timeslots; for the remaining classes I am online and moderate. If you cannot be online during classtime you can still obtain class participation credit; it is just that your posts will be viewed en masse at the end of the day (midnight) and there won't be any interaction. We urge you to be online during classtime, if possible, for a more valued experience. At least this is our expectation!