CS886 - Fall 2017 - AI and Philosophy - Group Project Students will work in groups of 3 to develop a proposal for the ethical behaviour of intelligent agents, assisting human users. Each group will submit an 8 page (4000 word) writeup and will present their proposed solution to the class in a 15 minute timeslot. There will be time in class for groups to meet, to brainstorm on their proposed solutions face to face; on this same date, a brief introduction to Francesca Rossi's theories for ethical AI will be provided, as a starting point for the group's discussion. This is the paper entitled: Moral preferences, available at: https://intelligence.org/files/csrbai/pref-eth1.pdf Each group will select one of the 7 Research Questions raised in the paper and will work towards providing their response to this question. In the end, students need to display their proposed solution, to sketch it in action through some sample scenarios, to explain the origins of their decisions and to comment briefly on why they feel their approach will be beneficial. Some background reading on the treatment of preferences in AI may be helpful; the pointers to background readings provided on the course website may be of some use. Groups will be asked to present their proposed solutions briefly in class, in order to generate additional discussion. The primary focus for grading this exercise will be on the write-up, due Oct 6.