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Feeling Overwhelmed with CS137?

Many people struggle with the academic aspects of university. If you are facing challenges, please know that you are not alone. Do not let shyness or embarrassment prevent you from getting help. It is not true that universities want or need to lose a certain percentage of students. In this faculty, “weeding out” is a myth. We want you to be successful. Many things, including those out of your control, can happen to make this difficult.

Please speak to your instructor and/or academic advisor if you are concerned about your undergraduate career in general or CS137 in particular.

The Faculty of Mathematics also has a list of services available to you.

Please do not suffer alone. We are here to help.

CS Academic Advisors

The School of Computer Science has a cohort of academic advisors to help guide you through the complexities of the CS academic program, including how to recover from failed courses and make the most of the advanced opportunities we offer.

There is also a Frequently Asked Questions list.

Student Success Office

The Student Success Offices provides academic and personal development services, resources for international students, as well as study abroad and exchange support. They work closely with campus partners to create a vibrant experience for students from their first days at Waterloo, right to convocation.

Mental Health Resources

If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support.

On-campus Resources

  • Campus Wellness helps all students at the University of Waterloo. Their professionals provide primary medical care and mental health services using an inclusive, connected, and collaborative approach. It’s located across the creek from Student Life Centre.
  • Counselling Services is a team of professionals that provides programming and services to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. They strive to provide a secure, supportive environment for students of all orientations and backgrounds.
  • MATES (Mentor Assistance Through Education and Support) is a one-to-one student peer support program offered by the Federation of Students in consultation with Campus Wellness. MATES provides support to students who are hoping to build social skills, or are experiencing personal or academic concerns or low-level mental health and wellness difficulties. MATES volunteers are also well-trained and knowledgeable about various resources on and off campus and can assist students through the navigation of those resources.

Off-campus Resources

  • Good2Talk is a free, confidential, 24/7/365 help line for post-secondary students. Phone: 1-866-925-5454
  • Here 24/7 A Waterloo-Wellington mental health and crisis service team. Phone: 1-844-437-3247
  • OK2BME is a set of support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning teens in Waterloo. Phone: 519-884-0000 or email ok2bme@kwcounselling.com.
Students with Disabilities

The Student Success Offices provides academic and personal development services, resources for international students, as well as study abroad and exchange support. They work closely with campus partners to create a vibrant experience for students from their first days at Waterloo, right to convocation.