CS 116: Introduction to Computer Science 2

CS 116 Tutorial 3: Strings and Input/Output

Reminders: Assignment 3 is due Wednesday February 5th at 10am

  1. Write a function closest_integer that has no arguments, but instead reads in a floating point number from console input with a prompt "What's the number?", and returns the closest integer to that number. This function rounds ties up, so that closest_integer(0.5) is 1, while closest_integer(-0.5) is 0. DO NOT use round in your solution.

  2. Write a function create_date that consumes nothing, but takes keyboard input. The program has three prompts: "Enter the year: ", "Enter the month: " and "Enter the day: ". The function then returns a date in the form "dd/mm/yyyy", where dd is a 2 digit number (between 01 and 31, depending on the month), mm is a 2 digit number (between 01 and 12) and yyyy is a 4 digit number.

    For example,
    Enter the year: 1996
    Enter the month: 06
    Enter the day: 17
    => "17/06/1996"

    Use string methods and string formatting (using {}) to complete the question

  3. Write a function fill_the_string that consumes a non-empty string s and a positive integer n, and returns an n-letter string that consists of copies of s, where the last one is perhaps a partial copy.

    For example,
    fill_the_string("love", 12) => "lovelovelove"
    fill_the_string("truth", 12) => "truthtruthtr"

  4. Write a recursive function sum_up that has no parameters but takes input from the keyboard. This function prompts the user with "Enter the amount of numbers to sum: ", followed by "Enter an integer: " which will read input the amount of times as the number entered before. The function then prints a message "The sum is n.", where n is the sum of all the integers that were entered.

    For example,
    Enter the amount of numbers to sum: 4
    Enter an integer: 3
    Enter an integer: 56
    Enter an integer: 7
    Enter an integer: 8
    The sum is 74

  5. We've seen the function str.count() in lectures. Using recursion, implement a version of the function, called my_string_count(s, c) where s is any string, and c is a string of length one. my_string_count(s, c) will return the number of times that the character c appears in the string s.

    For example,
    my_string_count("hello world", "l") => 3
    my_string_count("abracadabra", "e") => 0
    my_string_count("", "e") => 0

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